by Joanna Stola | Jan, 2020 | Aktualności, Uncategorized
The GMP certificate confirms the highest quality of productionProduction in our plant (Labolatorium Galenowe Olsztyn) is carried out in accordance with the principles of Good Manufacturing Practice (as contained in the Directive 2003/94/EC), which was once again...
by Joanna Stola | Oct, 2019 | Aktualności, Uncategorized
eubioco on CPhI Worldwide 2019. Visit us at the 80H90 stand. nasze newsyCPhI Worldwide will be held on 5-7 November 2019 in Frankfurt at the Messe Frankfurt Exhibition Centre. It has been a leading event in the industry since the nineties and gathers the global...
by Joanna Stola | Oct, 2019 | Aktualności
Eubioco invests in the expansion of the production plant nasze newsyIn order to ensure and ever better quality service for our customers, we invest in the logistics and production infrastructure of the plant. Since August, we have begun works to expand the logistic...
by marek | Oct, 2019 | Aktualności, Uncategorized
LGO a participant of the Sails of Warmia and Masuria competition nasze newsyLaboratorium Galenowe Olsztyn, a subsidiary of Eubioco group, was qualified for the Sails of Warmia and Masuria competition, in the category of socially responsible enterprise WAMABOSS. ...